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Advertise On Our Trucks

How Far are Your Advertising Dollars Going?

Get Your Message Seen

Advertise your business on our trucks and be seen along the I-5 corridor in the West and parts of Midwest by up to 16 million eyes.

If you are looking to get a bit more mileage out of your advertising dollars, we have the solution for you! TP Logistics has trucks on the highway for an average of 12 hours each day traveling an average of 9,500 miles per month.  Those miles take our trucks through many major metropolitan areas, including Seattle, San Diego, Phoenix, Dallas, Los Angeles and more.

Advertising on our trucks gives you ample opportunity to showcase your company.

Our fleet is currently concentrated in the west and we are rapidly expanding our presence in other
parts of the country. We are headquartered in Central Point, OR and have an operational facility in
Corinth, MS.

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